About My Final Say
My Final Say Inc. is a consulting company based in Calgary, Alberta and serves Albertans across the province. It provides Wills, Power of Attorneys, Personal Directives, and commissions affidavits and statutory declarations. Bundle packages are offered at reduced rates. Have peace of mind knowing that your words are written and your wishes will be followed if you are ever incapacitated or when you pass away. No one can be certain of when that day will come. Don’t be caught off guard!

We offer paralegal services for preparing Wills, Power of Attorneys, Personal Directives, and commissioning of documents.
Providing Paralegal Services For A Fraction Of The Cost of Law firms
Get quality service for an affordable price.
Our Mission
To ensure that you leave nothing left unsaid. Have you legacy carry on after you can no longer speak for yourself.
Our Vision
We want all persons to be able to plan for their futures. Having a Will, Power of Attorney and Personal Directive are part of that plan. We provide economical planning bundles to help all afford to make their Final Says.
Our Team
Our team consists of Cynthia Germain, paralegal and commissioner of oaths, you and if you chose, you loved ones or friends. We believe the one who referred you is included in our team, since he or she was instrumental in connecting you with us!
Cynthia Germain
Founder and CEO
Cynthia has been involved in self-represented legal matters for decades. She began her life long career with a bachelor of nursing. She believes in life long learning, and obtained a diploma in immigration consulting, which is closely related to her paralegal work. Her passion for learning and dedication to quality drive her to keep current with changes that occur in regards to Wills and Estates.
The Expert
Your expertise is invaluable. We cannot do this without you! You having your say is important. When you purchase a Couple or Individual Will bundle, you save.
* The purchase must be a regularly priced Will bundle. Offer not valid on individually purchased documents or commissioning.
The One Who Referred You
Client Referral
The one referring you realizes the affordable quality My Final Say offers. If you purchase a Couple or Individual Will bundle, the one referring you receives a $50 cash referral bonus*.
* The purchase must be a regularly priced Will bundle. Offer not valid on individually purchased documents or commissioning.
Put You & Your Family in Good Hands
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between Will, Power of Attorney and Personal Directive?
A Will is the document that kicks in when you pass away. You must die before it comes into play. A Power of Attorney is the document in which you decide who can make decisions about your FINANCES. A power of attorney only is effective while you are ALIVE. A Personal Directive is the document in which you decide who will make decisions about your person when you can no longer speak for yourself. It kicks in while you are ALIVE but do not have capacity. In other words, what medical decisions will be made, where you will live, whom you will associate with, and who can deal with legal issues.
I heard the government takes all my money when I die, if I do not make a Will. Is this true?
When a person dies without having a Will in place, it is called dying intestate. What happens to their their estate is based upon Acts of government in place at the time of death. Currently enacted is the Wills and Succession Act, which outlines who your estate is distributed to – which is family, if you have family (Wills and Succession Act, SA 2010, c W-12.2, clauses 60-69, https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/laws/stat/sa-2010-c-w-12.2/latest/sa-2010-c-w-12.2.html?autocompleteStr=wills%20and%20succession&autocompletePos=2).
What happens to my young kids if I die without a Will and I am a single parent?
If the person has minors who have no other living guardian, the courts make the decision on where the minors will live. As to the finances of the minors, the public trustee makes decisions for the minor until they reach the age of 18 ( Act, clauses , ). UNDER CONSTRUCTION…Please be patient. We are still under construction.
Under Construction
Please be patient. We are under construction.
Under Construction
Please be patient. We are under construction.
Under Construction
Please be patient. We are under construction.
The information contained within this website is general legal information and not legal advice. If you are looking for legal advice, you need to contact a lawyer.